Tag Archives: peace

Spheres of life


Thought of spending some time to reflect on how many lives or roles I/we live each day and how does it matter? Most times I see myself playing multiple roles in a situation (Father/Husband/Son, Manager/Coworker/Friend, Community work/Friend/Leader..) and I am sure you too would observe the same in your life. And imagine the acts/roles we play throughout the day/week/year or this lifetime.. without effort, no trainings, real life drama ..The Best Actor Award Nominee 🙂

We live is multi sphere life – Professional, Personal (Family/Friends/Facebook..), Spritual/Religious, Hobby .. or may be lonely. Just reflect on what makes or can make us master these roles, switch gears across spheres, keeping ourselves in the focus and include others.. is it our intelligence, experience, social status, family background, attitude, emotions or feelings? I would say none of these…..

Observe your past and you would see the more relaxed was your state of mind the more you mastered the situation. This is a fine balance and need clarity in mind. Over our life and going through various experiences, we have created opinions, judgments, and perceptions about people, situation or objects in our Mind. This is the damn garbage we keep carrying through our lives. Just knowing this fact or truth brings a major shift in how you move through the spheres of your life.

Just know that the world outside is finite and the universe inside is infinite. Are you meditating?

Wish you a very Happy & Meditative 2013!!

I belong to you!

PC vs Mind


Today 17th Apr 2012, the search for ‘Processor Speed’ in Bing® gives you 52,000,000 results and in Google® gives you 55,000,000 results. In this era of computing and devices, there are billions & zillions getting invested to make things smaller, faster and better than the best. The question to ask is : Have we reached an end of improving processor speed or I should use the word ‘Performance’, of a computing device?

The quick answer that pops-up and it is ‘No’. There is more to go 🙂 New Generations of Processors are getting born each day.

Let me ask you one more question: Why do we need to improve Performance?

Few things that you may think of or may be more:

  • Do more in less time – Faster
  • Multitasking, multi threading…. – Efficiency
  • Accuracy to a high degree – Reliable


Now why am I talking about Processor Speed or Performance and how is it related to You?

I would like you to sincerely close your eyes for few seconds & observer your mind..

S s s s h h h h h ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

What did you see or observe?? Be with your experience.

Lets repeat this again and this time you observe Your mind as Your Processor, yes a processor that is processing thoughts, emotions, feeling ….  Again close your eyes and observe your mind for few seconds…

Quick questions for your quest 🙂

  • Is My mind really My processor?
  • The input or the information processed in my mind, was what I wanted or desired or its Malware?
  • Do I have control over the information getting processed or its Hacked?
  • Am I able to processes a task/s Faster with high efficiency & reliability or its slow & vague?
  • Do I have the right cooling & energy for My processor to function at its best or it is dull & lack enthusiasm?

You may have to sincerely practice few times to get closer to above questions and hopefully answers 🙂

These questions may sound philosophical and of-course they are. The intent here is bring your awareness on how you invest your time to improve Your Processor Speed – Your Mind. And I am sure I may not tell why we need to do this :), may be its not as obvious. If you don’t get this, please visit my blog sometime later 🙂

I have been part of Art of living which has brought tremendous change in how I look at life. This is not only me however anyone who is part of Art of living, experiences the magnitude of continuous excellence with peace of mind. I would love to see each of my friend/family to be in this wonderful state of well being.

If you want to learn or know more please visit www.artofliving.org. Please do leave a comment if you need to know more or have questions.